
Hopper Dryer

No. Model Year DeliveryTime Photo Movie Remarks
HD0259 9721 HDⅡ-25

* capacity: 25kg

HD0262 9720 HDⅡ-15

* capacity: 15kg

HD0265 HD-25S

* capacity: 25kg

HD0266 HD-25S

* capacity: 25kg

HD0260 AD-50

* capacity: 50kg

HD0261 KHD-B6

* capacity: 15kg

   ・State of machine stock is changeable day by day.
   ・In case when the machines are already sold out in spite of your willing to purchase them,
    please understand it. If you're interested in some of them, we recommend you to let us know immediately.

Box-type Hot Air Dryer

No. Model Year DeliveryTime Photo Movie Remarks
BO0040 PO-80
BO0042 DT-120
   ・State of machine stock is changeable day by day.
   ・In case when the machines are already sold out in spite of your willing to purchase them,
    please understand it. If you're interested in some of them, we recommend you to let us know immediately.
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